Provides import and export to CAD DGN /DWG / DXF formats. Has full 2D and 3D CAD drawing, drafting and print / PDF output capability. TBC CAD capability is optimized for 3D Modeling and Estimating Takeoff processes.

A PC based software solution for Contractors, Engineers and Surveyors that provides workflows for Takeoff, 3D data prep / modeling and field operations / surveying.
TBC is available from Trimble and SITECH dealers worldwide and is available under a perpetual license or subscription license agreement.
The RPS All Tools Command Library provides extended functionality to TBC that improves productivity and creates improved deliverables for many processes. The commands provided look and feel like other TBC commands, they have help and video documentation to aid learning and are fully supported by Rockpile Solutions.
Provides import and export to CAD DGN /DWG / DXF formats. Has full 2D and 3D CAD drawing, drafting and print / PDF output capability. TBC CAD capability is optimized for 3D Modeling and Estimating Takeoff processes.
Provides the ability to create, edit and model surfaces from source point and line or point cloud data. Surfaces can be visualized using plan, 3D, slicer views. Surfaces can be contoured and rendered using single color, colored by elevation range, or surface textures. Surfaces can be sliced to create cross sections and or profile drawings. This module also provides tools for calculating and reporting volumes for stockpiles and surface to surface for earthworks.
In line with the boom in use of terrestrial scanners, mobile mapping systems and drone based photogrammetry or Lidar as a means of measuring and tracking site developments, TBC has a wide range of tools to import, export, clean, edit and manage point cloud data and to extract feature data from the point clouds to create deliverables.
Whether you are working with CAD or Engineering level data (e.g. LandXML or IFC or Other formats) you need to initially clean, sort and tidy up CAD data ready for conversion to 3D models. TBC provides a range of tools dedicated to that purpose that automate time consuming and laborious processes.
Converting 2D data to 3D quickly takes tools that were designed for purpose. TBC has tools to convert spot grades, elevation labels, lines, contours, pads into 3D. TBC also provides tools that provide rapid conversion of profiles and cross sections into usable 3D data. You can also convert IFC or CAD Solids into usable information.
TBC supports all forms of alignments for road, rail, pipeline or utility projects, super elevation to control cross slope and station equations. The Corridor Modeling tools provide a templated approach to modeling pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalk, walls and other edge details and complex sideslope details. You can build Finished Grade, subgrade and over excavation Details.
Whether you start with single or multi sheet PDF files or CAD files, TBC provides tools that place the sheets and match them together, provide methods of extracting the linework and text data from them, or Digitizing linework over them to create the base data needed to create the surfaces for a Takeoff. You can then add Strata details to existing grade using Boring log data, add subgrade adjustments and overex details and add soil Stripping and replacement details. Run fully detailed Takeoff Reports, generate cut fill maps and produce your deliverables. All TBC data can be reported to Excel for use downstream in your Bid system of choice.
TBC provides tools to create Utility Networks (Storm, Sanitary, Water, other), create 3D utility nodes (manholes, inlet structures, headwalls etc. or fittings [bends, tees, valves, hydrants etc), Utility runs that connect nodes together with pipes or linear elements including open flow channels, culverts and custom shapes including arch or elliptical pipes. Once the utility detail is complete, you can design trench shapes to conform to OSHA standards and their backfill materials and apply the trenches to the utility runs automatically. Run detailed utility network reports for Takeoff purposes.
TBC has advanced tools for analyzing earthworks operations for a project using minimized cost optimization techniques. Define haul ranges, boundary areas, haul roads, borrow and waste sites, and barriers to constrain the calculations and analyze what if scenarios for a project and to determine the lowest cost of moving the dirt.
TBC provides all of the tools to manage your machine control, site positioning and survey operations. TBC has full survey data processing for digital levels, total stations, GPS Static Baselines or RTK Rover processing, scanners, lidar and photogrammetry tools. TBC has full coordinate system support for the world’s mapping standards and can manage and compute site calibrations and control / monitoring networks.
Take your modeled projects and deliver the data to and receive data from field systems. Trimble system support is a given but you can output the surfaces, linework, alignments and utilities in all commonly used industry formats- LandXML, DWG / DXF, DGN, IFC, ASCII, PDF, Excel, Point Clouds [LAS, LAZ, PTS, XYZ, E57, RCP and more). TBC connects to Trimble Works Manager, Trimble Connected Community, Trimble Sketchup, Trimble Quadri, Trimble Connect and more.
Create high quality deliverable outputs on Paper, PDF or other formats using TBC Drafting and Sheet Layout capabilities. Deliverables inude images, Google Earth exports, cut fill maps, site improvement maps, cross sections, profiles, plan and profile sheets. You can copy and paste drawing elements from other sources using the windows clipboard.
Terrestrial Scan Data Processing
UAS Master for Drone Data Processing
Tunnel survey, stakeout and scanning
Rock Drilling and Wick Drains
Solar Farms and Piling Projects
Live Traffic Road Scan Data
Post process monitoring data