Trimble Identity

What is Trimble Identity?

Trimble ID is a single sign-on solution for Trimble Software solutions. It utilizes your email address and password to access Trimble software services. RPS Command Library utilizes your Trimble ID to authenticate you and then utilizes your Trimble ID email address to locate and validate your RPS user license.

Provided that your RPS user license is validated, you will be allowed to utilize the licensed commands in the RPS Command Library.

Trimble ID also provides you with access to a number of services e.g. the Background Map and User Profile services in TBC that allow you to back up and access your Project Templates, Menu Configurations and User Options when running TBC.

Creating and managing your Trimble ID

Use the above link to 

  1. Create a new Trimble ID
  2. Log in to access your Trimble ID user profile to change or edit your email address, password, preferences or multi factor authentication etc.

Setup your Trimble ID in TBC

In TBC version 2023 and 5.90.X, your Trimble ID login is automatic and activated from either the Start Page or the Trimble ID Login button (top right corner of TBC application).
In TBC version 5.80.1 and earlier, you are required to do the following to setup your Trimble Identity Profile in the software.
  1. In TBC select Support Menu and then Options
  2. Select External Services – Profiles
  3. Select Create and then select Trimble Identity Profile
  4. Name the profile Trimble ID
  5. Select Sign In
  6. Enter your Trimble ID Username (email address) and password and click Sign In


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